BLOCK 1.5.9

This is the newer version of BLOCK 1.0. The original BLOCK 1.5 had many problems, so we re-released it in a new version. This one has plenty of new features. Thanks goes to everyone who's anything I used in this game. (I forgot who I got things from, if your recognize anything of yours in this game, please inform me) BLOCK 2.0 is on it's way, it will be different than BLOCK 1.0 and BLOCK 1.5.9. This was made with Game Maker 5 so it's kinda sketchy. But, that doesn't mean it's not any fun. The reason I use GM5 is because anything ahead of GM5 cannot find DDRAW.dll for some reason. Thanks!

Tags: fun, block, gam, block

Released 2009-07-10
Category Platform
Rating 3.0 (by 3 users)
Downloads 25
Version 1
ID 88536
Slug block-159