by NAL

The psychedelic sequel to a psychedelic swing-em-up! You play as a virus (not a real one, don't worry) who must fend off antiviruses with a cluster of orbiting trojans.

FKR3 is less of a jump from FKR2, and I'm prepared for people to say FKR2's menu was better. I went for "clean" in 3 (I cheated - it's New Elemence's menu), as opposed to the weird ballsiness of 2.

Still, plenty of improvements all around. Two more enemies, raising the total to six, and the game progresses quicker so more people will see them. As you progress, the game's tint changes colour, from white to black to maroon to navy blue and ending on a weird mess of colours. I also learnt a new item for the game - writing with a font made from a sprite.

Anyways, lemme know what you think. I'm open to the concept of constant improvement.

Tags: fkr3, fkr2, fkr, psychedelic, swing, em, up, arcade, bizarre, nal, nalgames

Released 2009-02-14
Category Arcade
Rating 4.0 (by 88 users)
Downloads 794
Version 0
ID 70799
Slug fkr3