Boring Man 1 - Remastered

So I was bored the other day and I decided to remake the first game I ever made. Boring Man 1. I'm currently working on the 6th one now, but I guess you can call this "practice".

Boring Man is a game where you are a stickman and your job is to reach the red flag at the end of every level. Your more major objective is to stop "The Man" from taking over your country "Somewhere Land". Simple, I know.

- Online/Offline Co-Op Play
- 28 levels
- Resolution/Color Depth options
- And more

Tags: boring, man, coyote, kevin, degrose, shooting, platform, guns, remastered

Released 2007-07-18
Category Platform
Rating 3.2 (by 13 users)
Downloads 530
Version 2
ID 6746
Slug boring-man-1---remastered