You VS Boo DX

This is the demo version of my Deluxe Version of You VS Boo, one of my greatest creations and my first game that won a MGC entry on MFGG.

The goal is to finish the level before Boo does. You can change Boo's speed in the "Level Settings" menu and also Mario's status when he starts. You can choose from: Small, Normal, Fire, Mega, Mini Mario each with some unique skills. Small and Mini can fit trough smaller places, Mega mario can smash himself trough levels and Normal and Fire are quite neutral. I have also added two new modes: Redcoin and Time Trail. In the Redcoin mode, you first need to collect the eight red coins before you can finish the level. In Time Trail, you have to race to set a good time.

At the end of the level, your score will be tallied up. You score extra points for the distance Boo still is from the pole, how heigh you jumped on the pole, the number of blocks you destroyed, number of powerups, startstatus, difficulty...

In the options menu, you can configure key settings, switch full/windowed mode, set the volume...


Default keys are:

Left/Right Arrow: Move
Shift: Jump
Down: Groundpound in air
Control: Shoot

You can also perform a wall jump by pressing shift when you are near a wall and press the key in the direction of the wall.

This demo has only one mode, expect more modes and levels in the full game.

Have fun and good luck.

Tags: you, vs, boo, dx, mario

Released 2008-07-11
Category Platform
Rating 4.0 (by 47 users)
Downloads 2006
Version 3
ID 43785
Slug you-vs-boo-dx