Super Mario 64 2D Platforming En...

This is a fairly simple 2D engine for Super Mario 64. I didn't do every single thing in SM64, but I'm pretty darn close. If there's anything people want me to add in, let me know.

{{__...- This is NOT a complete game. It is an engine, and you are allowed to use it AS LONG AS YOU GIVE ME CREDIT, and I would like it if you provied a link to the game you used it for, to me. -...__}}

Tags: super, mario, 64, 2d, platforming, engine, frood, jakle, froodjakle, goomba, bros

Released 2008-03-11
Category Platform
Rating 3.7 (by 70 users)
Downloads 2752
Version 1
ID 28508
Slug super-mario-64-2d-platforming-engine