Villes 3D test

Villes was supposed to become a game, but I ran into some lag problems and some graphical problems and gave it up. I thought I'd share it so that maybe somebody can make an actual game out of it or use it to learn some 3D stuff. I commented the whole code to describe what I'm doing so that it's easier to understand.

random world generation using Perlin Noise
day&night cycle
stars at night time
a camera that can be moved around
light system

WASD or arrow keys: move around
right mouse button: rotate the view
F12: execute a code

Tags: villes, 3d, game, engine, test, maker, the, pc, 007, village, villages, ville, day, night, cycle, fog, tutorial, example, camera, move, movement, model, lag, free, world, random, generator, perlin, noise, stars, time, light, system, feature, gmk

Released 2013-08-17
Category Other
Rating 3.8 (by 5 users)
Downloads 105
Version 3
ID 220744
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