Anime Adventure


Link to resource files

Anime Adventure is a 1-Player Action-Adventure Fighting Game. The story line of the game is 7 warriors, (Hunt Singleton, Doug Chen, Omar White, Goku, Naruto Uzumaki, Yusuke Urameshi, and Sora), were taken to a spaceship by an evil ruler named Lord Scorn, who plans to be rid of the warriors so he can become the ruler of all the universes. These 7 warriors weren't gonna go down without a fight and challenge the ruthless ruler. Will they prevail, or become another of Lord Scorn's victims?

You get to play as all 7 warriors, each with a 6-combo, a rapid attack, 2 special attacks, and an ultimate attack.

Controls (Keyboard)
left arrow- move left
right arrow- move right
up arrow- jump/double jump/fly up (Goku only)
down arrow- fly down (Goku only)
P- melee atttack
K- guard
O- rapid attack
I+O- special attack1
J+O- special attack2
J+I+O- ultimate attack
Enter- select option/scroll textbox
Space- pause game

Controls (Joystick)
Analog stick left- move left
Analog stick right- move right
Analog stick up- jump/double jump/fly up (Goku only)
Analog stick down- fly down (Goku only)
Button 3- melee attack
Button 1- guard/select option/scroll textbox
Button 2- rapid attack
Button 5 + Button 2- special attack1
Button 6 + Button 2- special attack2
Button 6 + Button 5 + Button 2- ultimate attack
Button 8- pause game

Two Secret Cheats
HEALTH= Infinite Health
SPECIAL= Infinite Special

Special Thanks to

J-Factor- Textbox Engine
PwnageMage- Platform Engine
Toadfrogs- Earthquake Engine
pixeltao- Pause Engine
Mice- Fighting Game Style Healthbar Engine
Fede-lasse- Platform A.I. Engine
Flying Sausage- Character Selection Engine
Stevmay09- Cheat Code Engine & Horizontal Platform Engine
pivotman999- Enemy Healthbar Engine
Vexon459- Vertical Platform Engine
Alju5- Joystick Controller Engine

Tags: anime, adventure, hunt, singleton, doug, chen, omar, white, dragon, ball, dbz, naruto, shippuden, yu, hakusho, kingdom, hearts, ii, lord, scorn, goku, uzumaki, yusuke, urameshi, sora

Released 2011-04-10
Category Adventure
Rating 3.0 (by 2 users)
Downloads 594
Version 4
ID 170764
Slug anime-adventure