Font Express

Font Express is a Font Sheet creation tool which can be used to create custom fonts for your games. Just create the font, then load is into a Sprite Resourse in Game Maker through the 'Create from Strip' option and you're done. Choose from any font loaded on your computer, of any size, bold or italic, then apply a single colour, a gradient, one of 30 special effects or load your own effect. Also add outlines, drop shadows in 8 different directions and gradient overlays. The changes happen real time so you can instantly see your font on screen. All actions happen from a simple menu accessed through the mouse or the 'Enter' key. A sample Ver 8 GMK is included to show how it works.

Tags: font, express, creation, tool, program, sprite, sheet

Released 2010-12-19
Category Other
Rating 4.4 (by 8 users)
Downloads 1048
Version 1
ID 156692
Slug font-express