Text to pattern +GM8 Pro source


Type text and watch how it becomes a pattern of symbols! You can change the symbols and save the text, and copy it to the clipboard. The text can be used in chat etc.

Now with GM8 Pro source!
You need this extension:

Tags: text, to, pattern, converter, change, letter, symbol, character, digit, zero, underscore, many, other, figure, save, copy, input, keyboard, key, gui, interface, win, win32, windows, document, word, chat, fun, etc, misc, tool, program, software, internet, web, forum, joke, laugh, out, loud, open, source, editable, game, maker, gm, gmk, gm8, eight, download, exa, tut

Released 2010-09-12
Category Other
Rating 4.4 (by 45 users)
Downloads 1643
Version 2
ID 144164
Slug text-to-pattern-gm8-pro-source