Happy Catch

I made this today when i was bored, a little minigame.
You have to catch the happy face to get points and don't get the skull or else you lose a life.
Kinda a click the clown idea but better!
There is a green and a red timer.
The red timer spawns a skull and the green timer spawns 0 t/m 5 power ups!
The life gives you an extra life.
The nuclear sign thing deletes all the skulls.
The thunder logo speeds up all the skulls but sometimes they glitch out so sometimes it handy!
The red cross slows the happy face down.
And the green cross speeds the happy face up!
Enjoy, comment and rate!

Tags: happy, catch, click, skull

Released 2010-09-01
Category Other
Rating 3.0 (by 2 users)
Downloads 10
Version 1
ID 142885
Slug happy-catch