Rolling Face Invaders

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Use your 3 fighters to take down waves of the Rolling Face Invaders! Collect power after destroying enemies, either collect it to gain shields or use it with X as a weapon. Z fires main ship weapons. Use arrow keys to move. Inspired by cactus's Ad Nauseam 2.

Tags: shmup, shooting, shoot, shooter, shot, shooooting, blat, explosion, boom, bang, space, guns, ships, fighters, fighter, fight, ship, rocket, enemy, action, shield, plasma, special, weapon, whizky, pixel, house, pixelhouse, shoooooooooooter, whoa, jesus, what, da, buckets, is, dat, fing, sheet, alive, dude, coffffeeeehhhhhh, luv, cofffehhh

Released 2010-08-31
Category Shooter
Rating 4.3 (by 100 users)
Downloads 3574
Version 4
ID 142684
Slug rolling-face-invaders