
nGen games presents a new game from the dude who brought you Blinks!
In "Inhabitants", you have complete control to create as many worlds as you want to.
Choose from several world backgrounds and make objects to customize the world into your very own. Draw the creatures who live there! Are they docile, or predatory? Can they fly? Design the plants that grow there. Are they flowered? Small or large? Do they bear fruit for your inhabitants to eat? Change the environment! Does it rain in your world? Snow? Is it cloudy? Windy? Is the gravity high enough to pull flying creatures to the ground, low enough so ground creatures fly, or maybe it's somewhere in between? All of this and more is up to you in Inhabitants!

Tags: inhabitants, creature, creation, fun, world, template, design, draw, create

Released 2010-08-20
Category Other
Rating 3.5 (by 6 users)
Downloads 261
Version 1
ID 141064
Slug inhabitants