Space Survivor

Online Highscores can be viewed at:

Just when he thought things couldn't get worse, he finds himself abducted by aliens, then blasted back to reality when the ship is destroyed and plummets towards Earth. Can Survivor make it back alive using nothing more than debris as his landing gear...?

Features all new mode "Challenge Mode", aswell as the classic "Survival Mode".


Arrow Keys - Left, Right, Jump, Duck.
Hold Spacebar and Left/Right to push crates.
Hold Spacebar and Up to smash a crate directly above you.

Music by John Taylor at

Tags: competition05, space, survivor, soulsnatcher, soulsnatchergames, online, highscores

Released 2010-03-29
Category Arcade
Rating 4.1 (by 19 users)
Downloads 1118
Version 2
ID 121567
Slug space-survivor