Welcome to Blast-em 2, the only top-down shooter allowing split-screen on the same computer in game-maker history.
The controls are simple,the gameplay is fast, and different each time you play.

Some matches the game might decide to throw in a shot-gun or two, or litter the ground with moverble blocks. No-where would be safe.

Blast-em 2 improves numerous aspects of the prievous blast-em, such as adding in muzzleflash, weopons, tweaking gameplay and enemie ai, and making matches even more random then before.

It's time to blast-em!

Tags: shooter, blast, em, 2player, topdownphysics, weapons, sparks

Released 2009-12-07
Category Shooter
Rating 3.6 (by 11 users)
Downloads 88
Version 1
ID 105965
Slug blast-em-2