Fatal Tournament

Intense Platform Shooter Action in 4 different Game Modes!
- Story
- Survival
- Time Attack
- Online Multiplayer

Every Arena in Survival and Time Attack have their own seperate highscores, and their own seperate Online Highscores!

Trophies and Awards - Can you unlock all 33 trophies and awards? You can view them in your Trophy Room!

View interesting stats about your play in your Game Statistics page!

Controls Are:
W - Jump
A - Move Left
S - Duck
D - Move Right
Left Mouse Button - Fire
Right Mouse Button - Fly

(Online Play Only)
O - Toggle Observer Mode (Can be used once per death)
H - Toggle Enemy Healthbars

The game includes the online Server.exe which can be launched from within the game.

To host a server for online play you may need to forward port 14😬4, and you will have to tell people who you want to join the server your external IP address.

WARNING: Do no run multiple copies of the game at the same time- it will corrupt the game data and you will have to delete "save.dat" which will result in all data loss.

Tags: fatal, tournament, soulsnatcher, soulsnatchergames, online, multiplayer, fast, paced, shooter, platform, weapons, powerups

Released 2009-11-05
Category Shooter
Rating 3.8 (by 39 users)
Downloads 1187
Version 4
ID 102150
Slug fatal-tournament